Professional Development PODCAST "Teaching with Author Websites"

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“…we found loads of wonderful instructional materials; absolutely free… Most authors have some sort of web presence that teachers can use as resources… As president of the New York City Association of English, I’ve met personally with many of the authors: T. A. Barron, Judy Blume, Ralph Fletcher, Brian Selznick and many more…”
Dr. Rose Reissman

“Literacy and literacy education are evolving together. It's not just what’s in print or what’s on the web, but both together…” Mark Mark Gura

“A teacher doesn’t have to be able to do anything other than Google the author’s name, or better yet, have a student do it…” Dr. Rose Reissman

“As Director of Instructional Technology for the New York City Public School System, I wish I had known about this approach. It really is the easiest approach I can think of for teachers to quickly and meaningfully bring technology into their classroom. “

Mark Gura
A good portion of our literacy teaching effort is fueled with individual fiction and non-fiction works by authors who cater to young audiences. It is no secret that some of these works rival, in quality and impact, the great works of adult authors. What isn't well known, though, is that many young peoples' authors have produced websites to accompany their print books. These websites are rich repositories of content that, along with the books, provide a complete literacy experience. This content is free and easy to access, and best of all will motivate youngsters to read, read, read! TEACHING with AUTHOR WEB SITES reveals this wealth of material and how to use it to teachers, parents, and all who seek resources and approaches to ensure a next generation of strong and passionate readers...
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